DIGAMI in a district general hospital in the UK
Bhattacharyya A, Vice PA
The mortality and morbidity in diabetic in diabetic patients with AMI is higher than in non – diabetic population (2). The proven benefit of a number of interventions (Aspirin, betablocker, thrombolysis, ACE inhibitor, etc) for the acute event implies a major advantage in terms of absolute gain in life expectancy. The DIGAMI study has shown a major advantage of improved glycaemic control, so much so that we need to treat only nine patients to save one life in the line of DIGAMI treatment protocols. We evaluated the impact of the DIGAMI study in our hospital and compared the morality and other outcomes for an 18 month period after the DIGAMI study was published, in comparison to an 18 months period before.
Diabetes Today 2000;3:120-23.