What is Hypo- and Hyper-thyroidism? Under-active thyroid means your thyroid gland is unable to provide normal amount of thyroid hormone. In the same way, if the gland keeps on producing more thyroid hormone than normal, it is called over-active thyroid. Hypo means under active: Hyper means overactive What are the symptoms of Thyroid diseases? The […]
Common Problems with the thyroid
Working less (Under active thyroid, Hypothyroid) The normal function of the thyroid gland is to give thyroid hormone; if it gives less it is called Hypothyroidism. See details later. Working more (Overactive thyroid, Hyperthyroid) In the same way if thyroid gland gives more thyroid hormone is called Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis. See details later. Goitre An […]
Thyroid Cancer
What is thyroid cancer? Most of the nodules arising in the thyroid gland are benign and only about 5-10% of those getting medical attention are cancer. A nodule which is cold on scan is suspicious but the majority of cold nodules are benign. When to suspect thyroid cancer? Thyroid nodule in a young < 20 […]
Do I have a Goitre?
What is Goitre? When the thyroid gland becomes big it is called goitre, whatever may be the reason. There is no direct relation between the size of the gland with the function that is the amount of thyroid hormone coming out of the gland. So a goitre can produce normal thyroid hormone, can be hypothyroid […]
Basics of Thyroid
What is Thyroid? Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland situated in front of the neck, normally not visible unless in a very thin individual. The function of the thyroid gland is to produce thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is controlled by another gland below the brain called as the pituitary, which is the “master” endocrine […]
Do I need to bother about Iodine when I have Thyroid?
Most of the iodine that enters our body comes from the food that we eat. A smaller amount comes from the water that we drink. Iodine that leaves our body each day is usually replaced by the iodine that we eat and drink, so the amount of iodine in our body is just enough to […]
Growth Hormone in adults, a reality?
There are several ways you can become deficient in GH, commonest one is after removal of pituitary tumour. Problem surrounding Pituitary gland, after radiotherapy, head injury, brain infection like meningitis, encephalitis you may become GH deficient. Although rare, Pituitary gland can become underactive in adults for no apparent reason called Primary Empty Sella Syndrome. How […]
Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
What is Diabetes Insipidus (DI)? diabainein: Greek, “to pass through” insipidus: Latin, “having no flavor” DI is defined as excess passage of large volumes (> 3 L/day) of dilute urine. What are the causes of excess urination (increased urine volume)? Diabetes Mellitus or sugar Diabetes, DI – due to deficiency of circulating Anti- Diuretic hormone- […]
Everything you wanted to know about Hypogonadism
Normally two Pituitary hormones known as LH and FSH are responsible for stimulating Testes and Ovaries in men and women respectively. Any cause of hypopituitarism can cause hypogonadism. Hypogonadism can decrease other hormones secreted by the gonads including progesterone, DHEA, anti-Müllerian hormone, activin, and inhibin. Sperm development (spermatogenesis) and release of the egg from the […]
Everything you wanted to know about Acromegaly
Clinical Features The word Acro stands for peripheral parts and megaly means enlarged. Peripheral parts get enlarged giving rise to this facial appearance. Same happens with hands and feet. Treatment of Acromegaly Surgery of the Pituitary tumour is the treatment of choice, some cases do respond partially with Bromocriptine. There is a medicine available last […]