International Journal of clinical practice 1999;53:273-6 A BHATTACHARYYA, SC SHARMA. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an important risk factor for ischaemic stroke, and anticoagulation is now indicated in many patients, particularly those with congestive cardiac failure, hypertension a history of transient ischaemic attacks or embolic stroke. In a retrospective study (and audit), we examined 280 cases […]
National Medical Publications (India)
National 1. BHATTACHARYYA A. Glycaemic control in hospitalised patients with or without known Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrine Newsletter Feb. 2002. 2. A BHATTACHARYYA, Vineet Nayar. Glucose control in Hospital: Time for an aggressive approach. National Medical Jn of India 2002;15:208-9. 3. Sunitha K, Kavitha M, Sampath K, BHATTACHARYYA A. A young girl with lower limb weakness. […]
Pituitary Radiotherapy
When is radiotherapy used? Reduce the size of pituitary tumors Prevent further growth of pituitary tumours Post-operatively to markedly decrease the chance of symptomatic tumour recurrence Reduce excessive hormone secretion (such as growth hormone or ACTH). How is radiotherapy given? A clear plastic mask made specially for each patient’s head, holds the patient’s head still […]