Regional Obesity means center of your body is more obese in comparison to the rest of your body, also called Abdominal Obesity. Various medical disorders are more common if you have regional obesity like High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, uric acid, heart disease. What is regional obesity? The traditional definition of obesity includes a […]
Growth Hormone: Use and Abuse
GH is made by the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain. GH helps children grow taller (also called linear growth), increases muscle mass, and decrease body fat. In both children and adults, GH helps control the body’s metabolism – the process by which cells change food into energy and make other substances […]
What prompted us to write Endocrinology?
A small note to tell you what prompted us to make this website. A young executive after consulting for her thyroid asked “Anyway doc, what is your relation with criminals, why are you called Endocriminologist?” It goes without saying the colour of her face after she was explained it is Endocrinology and there is nothing […]
Protocol for Diabetes Management in hospital – 2020
It is estimated that one-third of Hospitalized patients experience significant hyperglycaemia and most are admitted for reasons other than Diabetes. Good Diabetes control in hospitalized patients irrespective of reason for admission improves mortality, morbidity and overall cost of hospital stay. It prevents complications and helps to educate the future follow-ups and management. Insulin is the […]
COVID 19 & Steroid
1. Are people on Steroids for other medical reasons more prone to COVID 19 infection? Yes, People who are on long time steroids are more prone for a viral illness, as steroids may suppress their own immune system and their immune system are likely to be less effective at fighting it off. People who are […]
ABC of Diabetes
Diabetes is not the problem only with blood sugar, there are a lot of common problems are associated with Type 2 Diabetes like High BP, high Cholesterol, Obesity, high Uric acid, etc. It is important to understand these from the beginning for holistic treatment of Diabetes which stats with healthy eating habits, regular exercise and […]
Types of Diabetes
What are the types of Diabetes? There are two main types: type 1 or Insulin deficient and type 2 or Insulin resistant or adult-onset Diabetes. In type 1 Diabetes pancreas does not produce Insulin and you cannot survive without Insulin. This happens because body produces antibody to Insulin producing cells and they get destroyed. In […]
Type 2 Diabetes in Children
Yes, not only Type 1, Type 2 Diabetes also can happen in Childhood, unfortunately, we are seeing more and more Type 2 Diabetes in Childhood, Adolescence and Young Adults. What is type 2 diabetes? What causes type 2 diabetes in Childhood? Type 2 Diabetes occurs when Pancreas does not give enough Insulin or quality of […]
Treating Diabetes with Injection but not Insulin
The search for a new medicine for Diabetes is a never ending process. A new medicine is available which belongs to the incretin family. Incretins are a type of gastrointestinal hormone that cause an increase in the amount of insulin released from the beta cells of the pancreas after eating, even before blood glucose levels […]
Diabetes, Dyslipidemia and Heart Protection
Cholesterol and triglycerides, known as lipids, are fatty substances normally produces by the body. Dyslipidemia means lipid levels in the bloodstream are too high or low. The most common types of dyslipidemia are: High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol Low levels of high-density lipoprotein 9HDL or “good”) cholesterol High levels of triglycerides […]