What is Therapeutic Lifestyle changing (TLC)?
This is also referred as “TV and Couch syndrome” as we will be watching TV and taking chips and drinks (soft and hard!). Computer based work in different professions has worsened the scene. In this way more and more we are neglecting the need for being active, maintaining ideal body weight and eating healthy food.
Diabetes, heart problems, cancer and what not are on the rise, and are going to do so unless we start intervening.
The term we are using nowadays is TLC, which basically means to eat healthy balanced food, avoid too much fast or fatty food, maintaining regular timing of food, maintaining an ideal weight, regular exercise, health awareness, regular health checks, etc.
Is exercise a must for treatment of Diabetes? What type of exercise is advisable?
This is a very important aspect of treatment of Diabetes. It is advised to do some form of regular exercise like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, running on a treadmill, etc. You can take part in almost any exercise if your body permits. Exercise sometimes becomes monotonous, so we encourage sports like playing badminton, table tennis, etc.

What are the Benefits of exercise in Diabetes?
Increases energy expenditure and promotes weight loss. Improves blood circulation, reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Lowers the Blood glucose level, Reduces plasma triglycerides and LDL and increases HDL.
What are the Types of Exercises?
1. Aerobic exercises: Aerobic means using oxygen for energy. Aerobic exercises use large muscles (legs, shoulders, chest and arms) and can be performed continuously Examples of aerobic activity – walking, running, swimming, cycling. This type of exercise burns calories.
Target is to achieve a total of at least 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity.
2. Resistance Exercises: Strength Training helps in increasing the number of insulin receptors. It also maintains muscle while losing fat. Type: Free weights, elastic bands, machine weights. Frequency is 2-3 days/week. Emphasize a full range of motion and proper posture during all exercises.
Does Exercise cause Hypoglycemia?
Yes it can in some situation. When we exercise muscle needs energy, it takes from blood. This mainly happens when sugar control is very good and you are exercising in empty stomach.
In case blood sugar drops, the dose of insulin or oral tablets should be reduced. Better to have a snack before doing an exercise.
Do I need to walk only in the morning?
Medically walking in the morning or evening does not matter. You should not start exercising immediately after food. Also if you are going for morning walk, it is advisable to take a snack, i.e., tea and two non-sweet biscuits before a walk.

What are the benefits of exercise other than helping in Diabetes control?
Exercise helps to keep you fit and active, strengthens the heart and lung, and improves muscle function and circulation. It helps in improving your weight control. Best advantage we believe is that exercise has a “feel good” factor.
Use the rule of FITT Principle in Exercising.
- F – Frequency at least 5days/week
- I – Intensity – how vigorously to do the exercise
- T – Type – the kind of exercise to do.
- T – Time – for 30 to 45 min per day (150 minutes per week)
Does Yoga help in managing Diabetes?
The Practice of yoga is a traditional Indian system, which is now gaining international acceptance as a mean of developing stress coping skills and in the management of Diabetes.
Yoga has many purposeful benefits including promoting digestion, improving blood circulation, building up concentration and will power and helping to maintain weight loss.
It helps to tone and shape the body and improve posture and flexibility. In general, it contributes to the feeling of well-being.
What are Do’s and Don’ts of exercise?
- Start gradually and exercise regularly.
- Try to make it in the same time everyday.
- Get involved in active sports like Badminton.
- Try to eat something before you start.
- Do not exercise in empty stomach.
- Avoid exercise soon after injecting Insulin.
- Better not exercise if sugars are very uncontrolled.