Any stress for example infection may raise your sugar; this is a normal response of the body. In stressful situation checking sugar more often is advisable.
You should not stop your medicine without your doctor’s advice because you are ill. If you can not manage to take your regular diet best is to replace the calorie with drink and also make sure you do not become dry.
What should I do when I am ill?
Any stress for example infection may raise your sugar; this is a normal response of the body. In stressful situation checking sugar more often is advisable.
You should not stop your medicine without your doctor’s advice because you are ill. Actually you may need more Insulin to control your sugar.

What to eat when I am ill?
If you can not manage to take your regular diet best is to replace the calorie with drink and also make sure you do not become dry. If the problem is persisting, it is better to get in touch with your doctor or local hospital.
How do I adjust my tablet when I am not well?
This is very difficult without knowing the blood sugar because everybody’s response to stress is not the same. This is why more frequent tests are necessary when you are not well.
What should I do with my Insulin when I can not eat?
Do not stop Insulin when you can not eat. If you do, your sugar level will go up because of the stress and lack of treatment. You may develop high sugar coma, which is a serious condition.
You should try to take plenty of liquids and try to take some calorie in drinks, as your body needs energy even when your sugar is high. Roughly we tell to take half of the regular dose of Insulin if you can not eat till you are in touch of doctor and checked you sugar.
What about fasting?
This is a very difficult situation, earlier doctors used to advice “no fast, no feast” for people with Diabetes. But days are changing, we need to adjust treatment according to the individuals.
Our aim is to prevent a very high sugar or very low sugar during fasting. During Ramadan fast of the Muslims, we tell to take the tablet with food in the early morning and again in the evening. It is better to consult a doctor before such a fast so that adjustment of treatment can be planned in advance.
Fasting for a day can be adjusted in the same principle, better not carry on fasting more than 10 to 12 hours. If your sugar is poorly controlled it is advisable to avoid fasting altogether.