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2. Dash RJ, BHATTACHARYYA A. Thyroid hormones in diabetic ketoacidosis. J Asso Phy India 1993; 41:412
3. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Sexual dysfunction in diabetes mellitus Diabetes Annual, 1998; Chapter 12: pp 195-219.
4. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Thyroid crisis presenting as acute abdomen. J R Soc Med 1997; 90:681-682.
5. Sharma SC, BHATTACHARYYA A. Diabetes ketoacidosis in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. J R Soc Med 1998; 91:34-35.
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9. BHATTACHARYYA A, Sharma SC. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura in a splenectomised patient. Int J Clin Prac 1998;52(7):508-509
10. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Heart failure with Fludrocortisone in Addison’s disease. J R Soc Med 1998; 91:433-434.
11. BHATTACHARYYA A, Chan KG, Tymms DJ. Fluctuating thyroid function in a young woman. Postgrad Med 1999;75:243-44.
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15. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ, Naqvi N. Asymptomatic pituitary apoplexy following aortocoronary bypass surgery. Int J Clin Prac 1999;53:394-5.
16. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Acute Adrenocortical crisis and an abnormal Electrocardiogram. Hosp Med 1999;60:908-909.
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20. BHATTACHARYYA A, Vice PA. Insulin Lispro, Pregnancy and Retinopathy. Diabetes Care 1999;22:2101-2102.
21. BHATTACHARYYA A, Kaushal K, Dornan TL. Evolving ECG changes in a patient with Hyoerthyroidism. J R Soc Med 2000:93:589-90.
22. Bhavanani M, Lyod D, BHATTACHARYYA A, Marple J. Screening for genetic haemochromatosis in blood samples with raised alanine aminotransferase.Gut 2000;46:707-10.
23. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Aetiology and pathology of thyroid diseases. Hospital Pharmacist 2000; 7:6-13.
24. BHATTACHARYYA A, Buckler HM. Treatment of thyroid diseases. Hospital Pharmacist 2000;7:14-19.
25. BHATTACHARYYA A, Parthivan A, Tymms DJ. Radioiodine for hyperthyroidism: a patient satisfaction survey. Clin Endocrinol Oxf, 2000;52:795-7.
26. BHATTACHARYYA A, Vice PA. DIGAMI in a District General Hospital in the UK: Influence, Implementation and Outcome. Diabetes Today 2000;3:120-123
27. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. An unusual case of ruptured ectopic pregnancy. In J Clin Practice 2000;54:409-10.
28. Bhattacharyya S, BHATTACHARYYA A. Hyperthyroidism in an elderly patient. Postgrad Med J 2000:76;597-8.
29. BHATTACHARYYA A, Howell A, Lakhdar A. Hyperosmolar Nonketotic State in a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Today 2000;5:152-3.
30. BHATTACHARYYA A, Greenham R, Tymms DJ. The relationship between nephrocalcinosis, vitamin D therapy and renal failure in ADH – the debate continues: In reply. Br J Renal Med 2000;4:23.
31. BHATTACHARYYA A. The aetiology and pathology of type 2 diabetes. Hospital Pharmacist 2001;8(1):5-9.
32. BHATTACHARYYA A. Severe hyperkalaemia, impaired renal function and diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Today 2001;4:18-9.
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34. BHATTACHARYYA A, Webb F. Needle in Foot. Practical Diabetes Int 2001;18:133.
35. BHATTACHARYYA A, Macdonald J, Lakhdar AA. Acute Adrenocortical crisis: Three different presentations. Int J Clin Prac 2001;55:141-4.
36. BHATTACHARYYA A, JD Wright, PA Vice. Obstetric difficulties due to Graves’ disease. Postgrad Med J 2002;77:661,669-70.`
37. BHATTACHARYYA A, Brown S, Hughes SM, Vice PA. Pregnancy outcome using Insulin Lispro and regular Insulin in one clinician led antenatal clinic in the UK. Q J Med 2001;94:255-60.
38. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ, Bhavnani M. Serious interaction of Digoxin and Warfarin. British Journal of Cardiology 2004;9(9): 356-7.
39. BHATTACHARYYA A, Kaushal K, Dornan TL. Glucose control in patients admitted to the Hospital for reasons other than Diabetes. Diabet Med 2002;19:4-7.
40. BHATTACHARYYA A, Christodoulides C, Kaushal K, New JP, Young RJ. In-patient management of diabetes mellitus and patient satisfaction. Diabet Med 2002;19;412-6.
41. BHATTACHARYYA A, New JP, Buckler H. Hungry Bone Syndrome – Revisited. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2002;32:83-6.
42. Deepak PJ, Sunitha K, Jagdish N, Sanjukta K, BHATTACHARYYA A. Inpatient management of Diabetes: Suevey in a tertiary care centre. Postgrad Med J 2003;79:585-7.
43. BHATTACHARYYA A, Dornan D. Diabetes in Hospital. Clinical Medicine 2004;4:314-7.
44. Kaushal K, BHATTACHARYYA A, Verghese B, Davis JRE. Adequacy of information delivered to patients during consultation for thyrotoxicosis. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 61;778-9: 2004.
45. BHATTACHARYYA A, Kaushal K, Tymms DJ, Davis JRE. Setroid withdrawal syndrome after successful treatment of Cushing’s disease: a reminder. European Jn Endocrinol 2005;153:207-10.