Categories: Publications

International Publications


1. BHATTACHARYYA A, Dash RJ. Plasma and Urine osmolarity in untreated thyroprivic hypothyroidism: Effect of Eltroxin therapy. J Asso Phy India 1994; 42(5): 366-368

2. Dash RJ, BHATTACHARYYA A. Thyroid hormones in diabetic ketoacidosis. J Asso Phy India 1993; 41:412

3. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Sexual dysfunction in diabetes mellitus Diabetes Annual, 1998; Chapter 12: pp 195-219.

4. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Thyroid crisis presenting as acute abdomen. J R Soc Med 1997; 90:681-682.

5. Sharma SC, BHATTACHARYYA A. Diabetes ketoacidosis in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. J R Soc Med 1998; 91:34-35.

6. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Diabetic ketoacidosis precipitated by thyrotoxicosis. Post Grad Med 1999;75:291-92.

7. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Mitochondrial defects and endocrine dysfunction. Q J Med 1998; 91:375-376.

8. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Mitochondrial defects and endocrine dysfunction. Q J Med 1998; 91:375-376.

9. BHATTACHARYYA A, Sharma SC. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura in a splenectomised patient. Int J Clin Prac 1998;52(7):508-509

10. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Heart failure with Fludrocortisone in Addison’s disease. J R Soc Med 1998; 91:433-434.

11. BHATTACHARYYA A, Chan KG, Tymms DJ. Fluctuating thyroid function in a young woman. Postgrad Med 1999;75:243-44.

12. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Thyrotoxicosis and abdominal pain: atypical presentation in a middle aged man. Hosp Med 1999;60(4):303.

13. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Life threatening hypoglycaemia in a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Practical Diabetes Int 1999;16:90-92.

14. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Thyrotoxicosis in old age: a different clinical entity? Hosp Med 1999;60(2):115-118.

15. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ, Naqvi N. Asymptomatic pituitary apoplexy following aortocoronary bypass surgery. Int J Clin Prac 1999;53:394-5.

16. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. Acute Adrenocortical crisis and an abnormal Electrocardiogram. Hosp Med 1999;60:908-909.

17. BHATTACHARYYA A, Patel MK, Tymms DJ. Adult coeliac disease with varied presentations. J R Soc Med 1999;92:286-289.

18. BHATTACHARYYA A, Greenham R, Tymms DJ. Autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia and renal damage with vitamin D. Br J Renal Med 1999;4:10-12.

19. BHATTACHARYYA A. Why has Ron been getting hypos for only the last two years? Practical Diabetes Int (Letter) 1999;16(2):61-62.

20. BHATTACHARYYA A, Vice PA. Insulin Lispro, Pregnancy and Retinopathy. Diabetes Care 1999;22:2101-2102.

21. BHATTACHARYYA A, Kaushal K, Dornan TL. Evolving ECG changes in a patient with Hyoerthyroidism. J R Soc Med 2000:93:589-90.

22. Bhavanani M, Lyod D, BHATTACHARYYA A, Marple J. Screening for genetic haemochromatosis in blood samples with raised alanine aminotransferase.Gut 2000;46:707-10.

23. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Aetiology and pathology of thyroid diseases. Hospital Pharmacist 2000; 7:6-13.

24. BHATTACHARYYA A, Buckler HM. Treatment of thyroid diseases. Hospital Pharmacist 2000;7:14-19.

25. BHATTACHARYYA A, Parthivan A, Tymms DJ. Radioiodine for hyperthyroidism: a patient satisfaction survey. Clin Endocrinol Oxf, 2000;52:795-7.

26. BHATTACHARYYA A, Vice PA. DIGAMI in a District General Hospital in the UK: Influence, Implementation and Outcome. Diabetes Today 2000;3:120-123

27. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ. An unusual case of ruptured ectopic pregnancy. In J Clin Practice 2000;54:409-10.

28. Bhattacharyya S, BHATTACHARYYA A. Hyperthyroidism in an elderly patient. Postgrad Med J 2000:76;597-8.

29. BHATTACHARYYA A, Howell A, Lakhdar A. Hyperosmolar Nonketotic State in a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Today 2000;5:152-3.

30. BHATTACHARYYA A, Greenham R, Tymms DJ. The relationship between nephrocalcinosis, vitamin D therapy and renal failure in ADH – the debate continues: In reply. Br J Renal Med 2000;4:23.

31. BHATTACHARYYA A. The aetiology and pathology of type 2 diabetes. Hospital Pharmacist 2001;8(1):5-9.

32. BHATTACHARYYA A. Severe hyperkalaemia, impaired renal function and diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Today 2001;4:18-9.

33. BHATTACHARYYA A. Treatment of type 2 diabetes. Hospital Pharmacist 2001;8(1):10-16.

34. BHATTACHARYYA A, Webb F. Needle in Foot. Practical Diabetes Int 2001;18:133.

35. BHATTACHARYYA A, Macdonald J, Lakhdar AA. Acute Adrenocortical crisis: Three different presentations. Int J Clin Prac 2001;55:141-4.

36. BHATTACHARYYA A, JD Wright, PA Vice. Obstetric difficulties due to Graves’ disease. Postgrad Med J 2002;77:661,669-70.`

37. BHATTACHARYYA A, Brown S, Hughes SM, Vice PA. Pregnancy outcome using Insulin Lispro and regular Insulin in one clinician led antenatal clinic in the UK. Q J Med 2001;94:255-60.

38. BHATTACHARYYA A, Tymms DJ, Bhavnani M. Serious interaction of Digoxin and Warfarin. British Journal of Cardiology 2004;9(9): 356-7.

39. BHATTACHARYYA A, Kaushal K, Dornan TL. Glucose control in patients admitted to the Hospital for reasons other than Diabetes. Diabet Med 2002;19:4-7.

40. BHATTACHARYYA A, Christodoulides C, Kaushal K, New JP, Young RJ. In-patient management of diabetes mellitus and patient satisfaction. Diabet Med 2002;19;412-6.

41. BHATTACHARYYA A, New JP, Buckler H. Hungry Bone Syndrome – Revisited. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2002;32:83-6.

42. Deepak PJ, Sunitha K, Jagdish N, Sanjukta K, BHATTACHARYYA A. Inpatient management of Diabetes: Suevey in a tertiary care centre. Postgrad Med J 2003;79:585-7.

43. BHATTACHARYYA A, Dornan D. Diabetes in Hospital. Clinical Medicine 2004;4:314-7.

44. Kaushal K, BHATTACHARYYA A, Verghese B, Davis JRE. Adequacy of information delivered to patients during consultation for thyrotoxicosis. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 61;778-9: 2004.

45. BHATTACHARYYA A, Kaushal K, Tymms DJ, Davis JRE. Setroid withdrawal syndrome after successful treatment of Cushing’s disease: a reminder. European Jn Endocrinol 2005;153:207-10.

Dr. Arpan Bhattacharyya

Dr Arpandev Bhattacharyya, Consultant Physician, Diabetologist and Endocrinologist, graduated from North Bengal University in 1986, securing honours in six subjects in MBBS. He completed MD and DNB in Internal Medicine and DM in Endocrinology from PGI, Chandigarh.

Published by
Dr. Arpan Bhattacharyya

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