International 1. BHATTACHARYYA A, Dash RJ. Plasma and Urine osmolarity in untreated thyroprivic hypothyroidism: Effect of Eltroxin therapy. J Asso Phy India 1994; 42(5): 366-368 2. Dash RJ, BHATTACHARYYA A. Thyroid hormones in diabetic ketoacidosis. J Asso Phy India 1993; 41:412 3. BHATTACHARYYA A, Wiles PG. Sexual dysfunction in diabetes mellitus Diabetes Annual, 1998; Chapter […]
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Plasma and Urineosmolality in Untreated Thyroprivic Hypothyroidis: Effect of Eltroxin Therapy
by AD Bhattacharyya, RJ Dash Journal of Association of Physicians of India 1994 Vol 42 Page 366-8 Plasma and Urine osmolality were determined in 56 thyroprivic hypothyroid patients before and at 2 and 6 months of eltroxin treatment. Normal range of plasma osmolality (Posm) was defined at 95% confidence limits of values obtained from 25 […]
National Medical Publications (India)
National 1. BHATTACHARYYA A. Glycaemic control in hospitalised patients with or without known Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrine Newsletter Feb. 2002. 2. A BHATTACHARYYA, Vineet Nayar. Glucose control in Hospital: Time for an aggressive approach. National Medical Jn of India 2002;15:208-9. 3. Sunitha K, Kavitha M, Sampath K, BHATTACHARYYA A. A young girl with lower limb weakness. […]
Diabetes, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary, Steroid, Calcium and other Hormonal disorders
Sushruta Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Trust has been registered in the year 2004. The purpose of the trust is create awareness among common people about the importance of early diagnosis, proper monitoring and treatment of Diabetes and Hormonal disorders. We are to help poor patients with Diabetes in providing free consultation and medication that is […]
Pituitary Radiotherapy
When is radiotherapy used? Reduce the size of pituitary tumors Prevent further growth of pituitary tumours Post-operatively to markedly decrease the chance of symptomatic tumour recurrence Reduce excessive hormone secretion (such as growth hormone or ACTH). How is radiotherapy given? A clear plastic mask made specially for each patient’s head, holds the patient’s head still […]
Dr Arpandev Bhattacharyya, Consultant Physician, Diabetologist and Endocrinologist Dr. Shaila Shamanur Bhattacharyya, Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist Dr. Rajeev Joshi, MD, Fellow in Diabetes and Endocrinology Dr. Menaka Ramprasad, Fellow in Diabetes & Endocrinology Dr. TK Sabeer Dr. Yamuna Narendra Dr Diksha Shirodkar